The outfits look great, the vocalist choices for each mixed group song was on point, and the entire movie felt like a genuine concert, just in an anime form. From the very beginning, we’re immediately sucked into the concert and feel like each idol is giving it their all for us specifically. Uta no ☆Prince-Samoa Maji LOVE Kingdom is a movie that’s basically an entire concert featuring the handsome group ST ☆RISH, the sexy group QUARTET NIGHT, and the gentlemanly group HE ☆VENS. This is the perfect birthday gift for me and if you are a diehard fan of utapri ♪ you need to watch this. The ending of the story is beautifully and leisurely written which just warms your heart. The writers have done an exceptional job in writing the story and at times goosebumps inducing scenarios which relate to one another in complete unexpected way. This is the best written show I have watched with focus on every single character. I really, really like this movie, no not like I love this movie. I kinda zoned out at a few points myself but seeing Ranmaru on the big screen made it all worth it. If you don't care then this will not sway you. If you're a diehard Utapri fan then this is worth a watch. By the end I did feel the need to immediately rush to the nearest Animate and buy all the latest Utapri CDs which was the entire point of this movie so that's a job well done there. The songs are all immaculately crafted upbeat J-Pop perfection, which just comes with the territory. Starish, Quartet Night and Heavens all get roughly equal time in the spotlight here, with each unit having two songs each, one big group number at the end, and several shuffle unit songs in the

However, if there's anything Utapri has had on lock since day one it's the music, so I didn't mind sitting down for this.

If this sounds boring to you then it's an easy skip. This is, in fact, a 90 minute animated concert where CG models of the Utapri dudes glide around a very extravagant stage and occasionally banter with one another.

First things first, this is not a narrative-driven movie.